This week's Geek Physique activities, Bokken Aikido and YogaQuest, were a tremendous success. There's something wonderfully satisfying about wielding a wooden sword and practicing thrusting and chopping at someone with it! It was a much larger group than I expected to see, so apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way about those swords.
At YogaQuest, we started "season two," embarking on an entirely new adventure with the group. We had a decent turnout for that, although several of our regulars were not in attendance. Despite the smaller group, we had a fantastic time. The storytelling was top notch, and the creative, clever ways our YoGeekie (aka yoga instructor) translated yoga poses into the story was delightful and lighthearted.
I don't believe I've ever laughed quite so much at any of the previous YogaQuest evenings -- partly, I think this is due to the nature of the story and the particular geek fandom it indulged, and partly, I think that may be due to the increasing familiarity and comfort of the group as a whole. Last week, we completed the first eight-week session, and now we've begun this new session. Perhaps it took us this long to truly relax and trust one another, and to begin to forge deeper ties.